Five reasons to take a baby massage course .....

  1. You will enhance the bond you share! Taking the time to learn how to massage your baby and practicing regularly allows you quality uninterrupted time together. And while you’re massaging your baby, you’re producing oodles of Oxytocin, the ‘love hormone’ and strengthening your emotional connection.

    Baby massage will help both you and your baby to relax, feel calm and is a lovely pleasurable experience that you can share together.

  2. Touch is our first sense and the first way we communicate with each other. There is a plethora of research around positive, nurturing touch which demonstrates that we can send and receive emotional signals solely by touching another. It's a language that we instinctively know how to use but take for granted. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
    By massaging your baby regularly, you are communicating with them and enhancing the attachment you have together, providing security and generating positive emotions. A mother's touch can also mitigate pain and reduce a baby's irritability, increasing sociability among infants.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
    Oxytocin levels go up, heart rates go down - wonderful things that you can't see but that are so important for both the caregiver and the baby.

  3. Baby massage can offer relief with colic, constipation, teething and blocked sinuses. The tummy massage sequence really does help to regulate the digestive system to ensure that babies don’t suffer with trapped wind or constipation. It’s very common to hear babies releasing wind or filling their nappy either during or immediately after the massage routine. That’s good - you don’t want what is, essentially, waste stuck in your baby’s body.

    The more specific colic routine really does help to relieve the impact of colic - both for you and your baby! You, because you have a tool to help with your baby’s colic and your baby will start to feel less discomfort as soon as you start practicing the sequence.

    The face massage sequence uses strokes over the face to help with sinus problems and teething pains. I often use the sinus sequence myself if I’m suffering with blocked sinuses!

  4. Massaging your baby will help to strengthen and tone your baby’s muscles. It is also a fantastic way to help your baby to reach their development milestones by building muscle strength so they can learn to roll over, sit up and crawl.

    @iaimuk massage also includes a sequence of gentle movements that will enhance your baby’s flexibility a d cognitive development.

  5. It’s just lush! Taking the time to concentrate completely on your baby, strengthening your understanding of their communication cues while you’re doing something positive to help their body systems and cognitive development.

    Talking and singing to your baby, having fun and enjoying this time together is just wonderful wonderful. On an @iaimuk course, you will also learn how to adapt the massage as your baby gets older so you never have to stop.