Things to do with your kids when you can't go out .....

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While we’re all having to keep social distance from family and friends, it can be hard knowing what to do with your toddlers and older children. Never mind home schooling them - how can you keep them occupied with something that’s fun and with resources that you have in the house as shopping is a bit challenging these days. The following websites may help:


Try to take one day at a time - we don’t know how long this situation will go on for but there will be an end to it and each day that goes by brings us one day closer to that ending. If you’ve got older children, try not to stress about home schooling - everybody is in the same situation as you and the majority of people are not teachers, and didn’t sign up to be their children’s teachers. Take time to focus on what you have, appreciate what you have and enjoy what you have. I know that can be hard if you’re worrying about money and your job but, trust me, you’re not alone.

This will pass …..